EMOTIONS - How are you feeling?

In our school we are working on an EMOTION PROJECT!
Each mont, we are learning about a different feeling.

Here you are some songs, stories and other resources about them.

Come on, let´s have fun!!
"Can´t stop the feeling" Inside out song
"Make a happy face" song
"Identify the emotion"
PIXAR video to work the Coexistence
"The Monster in colors" Story

Thanks to a famous movie INSIDE OUT, we can learn and know characteristics about the different emotions. Click on the link Inside-out-clips-to-help-teach-children-about-feelings/

STORY TIME: Inside Out

LET´S PLAY: If you want to have fun, try these games on the following link Emotions games


Print these games and practice the emotional learning.

Structure Remember:

How do you feel? / How are you today?
I am fine, thank you. And you?
I am happy / sad / angry / tired / excited / scared / hungry / hope / loved / jelaous / shy

To end this post, I want to share an interesting link where you can know some children films to help you kids with their emotions. Have a look Movies for the children emotional development

Thank for your patience.

See you at the school.

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