Apoyo de Sociales

¡Saludos seguidores!

Se acerca el final del trimestres y con ello, unos días duros e intensos.
Por ello, me gustaría aceros accesible la posibilidad de acceder a un completo material de apoyo para ampliar y reforzar vuestro aprendizaje.
En dicho documento podéis encontrar actividades relacionadas con diferentes temas. En relación a la unidad 4 que es la que estamos viendo ahora, ojear el documento y descargar e imprimir las tareas correspondientes.
Sin dudarlo, si queréis tener vuestro trabajo corregido no dudéis en traerlo al cole.

Disfrutad y nunca dejéis de crecer.

Como siempre, para acceder al material pinchad en el enlace que se encuentra a continuación.

Material de Apoyo: Sociales

Muchas gracias por vuestra colaboración.

Un saludo grande.

La profe Vero.


Hello Tigers!

Here you have some extra activities about the present unit number 4. You can improve your knowledge and remember what you have learned.

If you want to succeed in yout next text, do not be lazy and just do it!!

Click the link I let below and then, print the sheets and practice at home. If you want me to check your homework, you just have to bring them at the school.

Extra worksheets UNIT 4

If you want to learn more, try this wheel game. Spinn game

Thank you for your effort and your time!!

El lugar donde vivimos

Saludos aventureros.

A través de este post quiero contribuir en el aprendizaje actual de la clase de sociales. Se llama ¿En el pueblo o en la ciudad? y nos cuenta todo sobre la localidad, su funcionamiento y sus servicios.

Antes de nada, una de las cosas que hace especial y única a cada una de las localidades son sus costumbres y fiestas tradicionales. Por ello, os dejo un vídeo muy interesante que nos ayuda a
conocer más sobre nuestros alrededores.

"Las fiestas más populares de España" Ampliando nuestra cultura.

Algo muy típico años atrás, eran los juegos al aire libre y la posibilidad de poder divertirse en la calle. Seguro que vosotros como padres podéis contarles muchas curiosidades a vuestros hijos.

Aquí os dejo la posibilidad de que compartáis un ratito agradable, y observéis las diferencias con la 
"Juegos tradicionales para niños"

Por otro lado, hemos estado aprendiendo un poquito sobre los gentilicios y curiosidades de nuestras localidades. Si tienes curiosidad por aprender los gentilicios, solo tienes que consultar el siguiente 

Ahora, demuestra lo que has aprendido y atrévete al siguiente desafíoJuego de lengua: gentilicios

Terminamos el post con unos últimos enlaces que sirvan de repaso y profundización sobre las características de la localidad. ¡No te los pierdas!

Espero os hayáis divertido.

Un saludo,

vuestra profe Vero

LOVE is in the Air

Good Sunday Day!

I am here to let you the February Emotion´s resources. This was the LOVE month.
If you want to have a lovely time, press on the following links and videos.

"Heart song for kids"
"I love you" song
"If you love me and you know it" song
"Lava" from lava story




As always with love, if  you want to play here you are some games about LOVE. Click on this link GAME: Waldo loves Muffy


I am sure there is some special person who you want to surprise. For this reason, here you are a link where you can prepare a nice card for him or her. Press this link Make a card for someone spcial

To end this post, I would like to let you a poem

Many thanks to all of you.

Bye bye.

Play Time!!

Hello again!

Games is our current learning and here you are different helps.


"Sports balls" song.

"Learn about sports" song

"Take me out to the ball game" song

  • Learn and listen this dialogue, it will help you Let´s play
  • If you want to learn about football, click on the link Football
  • Would you like to have a good time? Here you are a link where you can listen to traditional games songs: Children games songs


  • I want to play _______ 
  • Do you want to play___________? Yes, I do / No, thanks. I want to play ____________
  • Can you play _____ ? Yes, I can / No, I can´t
Thank you for visiting this site.

See you at the school raccon!

Jobs - When I grow up, I want to be a...

The grades 4 and 5 were working on jobs.

Along the first term, one of the important content was "What do you want to be when you grow up?" and the answers were quite different.

If you want to know the songs and the material we used keep reading this post.

"ABC jobs" song


"Magic Job box" 

"When I grow up" song.

Finally, you can listen to other children and see what are their expectations!!

Watch these videos and have fun with them.

When I grow up 1

When I grow up 2

Thank you for visiting the site.

Bye bye butterfly!

Teacher Vero.

My Body

Hello little kids.

During the first months, the 3 aged pupils learnt about the body.

Here I let you the resources to revise at home.






                                                                         "My Body" song

                                                            "Hello my body" song

"My five senses" song
"Learn the face parts"

To practice more, you can try the following Body parts: memory game

Hope you have a good time.

See you at the school.

Teacher Vero

This is my Family

Hello families! 

With Kids club, we are working on the family.

We are introducing the vocabulary depending on the pupils´ age.

5 years old are learning the family words to improve their knowledge.

Here you are some help to have fun at home.

The finger family song

According to family, here you have a lovely known story  and its song.

"Goldilock and the three bears" story 

Do  you fancy playing a game?  Press the link below 

 Have a great time, see you!!

Teacher Vero

I am wearing... Clothes

At the moment, I let you the clothes´songs we have learned durting the last unit.

Press on the following links do discover the contents.



"Put on your..." song

                                                            "Get dress" Storyboots song

REMEMBER: To include the clothes´ color you must follow this order: "Color + clohtes".

Do not forget that you have to add A with a singular clothes ( a shirt, a cap, a coat, a skirt,...) and 

you DO NOT ADD A when it is plural ( trousers, shorts, shoes,...)

"What are you wearing? Dialogue.


Ready for playing a game? Have a look ;)
  • Varied games   (If you can not get the game it is because you need to down load the flash player. Follow the instructions)
Do not forget the STRUCTURES:

  1. Put on your ________
  2. Get dressed
  3. What are you wearing? I am wearing _____________________
  4. What is she/he wearing? She/He is wearing ________________

Enjoy them all.

See you.

Teacher Vero.

Dialogue Time - GREETINGS

Hey children.

Every time I will let you a differnt dialogue to help you acquire the common English structures.

Here is the first one, easy peasy about GREETINGS.

Have a look and learn with me.


"Good morning song" Second Level.

"Good morning song" 5 years old.

"Hello song" 4 years old.

"Good morning song" 3 years old.

"Farewell song" funny way to say goodbye.

  1. Hello / Hi
  2. Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening
  3. How are you today? I am fine, thank you / I am good / I am fantastic
  4. I am happy / I am sad / I am scared / I am surprised / I am sleepy / I am hungry
  5. Bye bye / Goodbye / See you
  6. Thank you

Thank you everyone to visit the blog.

Bye bye.

Teacher Vero.

Agua, aire y Tierra

Acabamos terminar una bonita e importante unidad en sociales donde hemos aprendido sobre el agua y la necesidad de cuidarla y no malgastarla para mantener vivo nuestro planeta.

En clase hemos trabajado con varios vídeos que os dejo a continuación para que podáis verlo en casa con los papás.

Aprovecho para tratar el tema del agua, en relación al ciclo y sus estados.

Para terminar, os incluyo la bonita historia de una gota de agua, lal historia de nuestro robot y alguna otra sorpresa.

El gran ciclo.

                                                                  Retrocycling Robot

                                                               Una princesa en apuros

                                                             Reciclamos cantando.

Me despido con un juego para los valientes, aquí tenéis el enlace: Pinchad y disfrutad.
Clean and green

Nos vemos en clase chicos.

Un saludo de vuestra profe.


I get Angy


We are working on the emotions because sometimes we do not how we are feeling!

The month of January the emotion was ANGER and we are angry, we all got red.

I download some songs and stories worked at the class to revise and learn at home.

Enjoy them and do not got angry at all! ;)

Have a nice day.

Teacher Vero.

I get angy song.

   Grumpy as a grizzly bear. STORY

Animal STORY.

To end up, I want to include a moral story about controlling the anger. Hope it is useful.
Short moral story: How to control the anger

Thank everyone.

See you.

Teacher Vero.

It is Carnival Time

Hello everyone!

It is Carnival time.
Let´s wear wings and earrings,
let´s wear maskes, 
let´s wear glasses
and funny moustaches.
It is Carnival Time!!!

 For this reason, here you are some songs to sing at home.

Enjoy them!!


I include you some stories about Carnival Time!!

Enjoy them:

Thank you.

Teacher Vero